Update 15-09-2022 (Day 46)

Here you can find an overview of the communication you might have missed due to later joining this program. We try to update this as much as possible.

WhatsApp group info:
In this group you’ll get your instructions and updates for the coming 5 months.

First instruction will be posted on August 1st.

You can’t post on most days. If we ask you to post, we open the chat function for that specific day only. This way you won’t be spammed by the group. Please respond in English so everyone can read it.

If you have any questions, please contact us through WhatsApp on +31850033777

Kind regards,
Logan Maxwel
Martial Arts Academy

🚫 Don’t use these phone numbers for other things‼️

Day 46 (15/9)

You need about 90 days of repetition before something gets into your system. For those who started at day 1, congratulations, you are halfway there. If you keep a steady training regime, you should see results in your power and hopefully some good leg and butt muscles. 😜

Assignment Day 46 (15/9):

Step 1
⚫ Review your training moment. Is it still the best time for you?

Step 2
⚫ Do as many push-ups as possible in a row.
⚫ Remember the amount you can do with a little pushing and the max amount just before your spirit leaves your body. Just like day 1 and day 15.

Step 3
Share your results.
I will open the chat function for today. Please only respond in the requested way.
⚫ Share your new baseline results. (Additionally measurements) just like we did before.

For the people who joined later, you can do this as your first baseline test.

I did notice a decline in participation. Like I started this message, it takes about 90 days for something to become a habit. Most of you probably don’t see brushing your teeth as the highlight of your day (I hope it’s notπŸ˜…) but you still do this (I hope😬). Daily training is very good for your body. πŸ’ͺ🏼

Again, it’s not so much about doing the push-ups (and squats). This just helps to do something in a steady manner which we can measure easily. If you had some (martial arts) training already that day, feel free to skip your push-ups. You’re not doing them for me anyway, just be honest to your own progress.

Last but not least
πŸ‘πŸΌ If completed all the steps.
πŸ™πŸΌ If completed all the steps AND you have better results than the first time.

Logan Maxwel – Martial Arts Academy

Time: Everyday evening before going to bed.

Baseline: 18 push-ups (+3) / 35 Max (+5)

Measurements: (not mandatory)
Chest: 97,5cm (+0,5)
Left arm: 30,5cm (+0,5)
Right arm: 31cm (+0,5)

Day 30-45 (30/8-14/9)

Assignment Day 30 – 35

⚫ Do 3 sets of push-ups and at least 2 sets of squads in your waiting time (do an extra set if you really want to fire it up).

πŸ™πŸΌ If completed the assignment on said time.

πŸ‘πŸΌ If completed the assignment.

😒 If you didn’t complete or didn’t do the assignment.

Day 29

Phase 3
You might have thought: Where is our new assignment… Well, I’ve been too busy to make, edit and upload the instructions. Today, in between work, I have made a quick instruction. During editing, I found out some settings were way off so don’t mind the sharpness… or the lack of it. πŸ˜…

Assignment Day 29

⚫ Do 3 sets of push-ups and at least 2 sets of squads in your waiting time (do an extra set if you really want to fire it up).

πŸ™πŸΌ If completed the assignment on said time.

πŸ‘πŸΌ If completed the assignment.

😒 If you didn’t complete or didn’t do the assignment.

Day 17-28

Assignment Day 17

⚫ Do 3 set of push-ups.

πŸ™πŸΌ If completed the push-ups on said time.

πŸ‘πŸΌ If completed the push-ups

😒 If you didn’t compleet or didn’t do the push-ups.

Day 16

Like ‘Day 3’ we are going to use our new baseline for 3 sets.

⚫ Do 3 set of push-ups.
Example in my case:
Baseline: 15 push-ups / 30 Max

β–ͺ️In between you have a 30 to 60 second brake.
β–ͺ️Try to finish your set in one go. If needed take a few seconds brake.

In the coming days, instructions stay the same.

πŸ™πŸΌ If completed the push-ups on said time.

πŸ‘πŸΌ If completed the push-ups

😒 If you didn’t compleet or did the push-ups.

πŸ’ͺ🏼 LETS GO‼️

Day 15

Phase 2
The goal is to do daily exercise and not so much the push-ups we’re doing right now. Keep that in mind. Phase 3 will be different exercises.

Assignment Day 15:

Step 1
⚫ Review your training moment. Mostly the women were not happy with their choice. Change it to a better time.

Step 2
⚫ Do as many push-ups as possible in a row.
⚫ Remember the amount you can do with a little pushing and the max amount just before your spirit leaves your body. Just like day 1.

Step 3
Share your results.
I will open the chat function for 1 day after my morning session. Please only respond in the requested way.
⚫ Share your new baseline results. (Additionally measurements) just like we did before.

For the people who joined later, you can do this as your first baseline test.

Set reminders if needed. This can be a calendar appointment in your phone or a daily alarm. This way you don’t have to post 😒 during this program.

Most women find this kind of training boring. I don’t find brushing my teeth very exciting but still, it’s part of my daily routine for at least twice a day. πŸ˜‰ Try to ‘endure’, phase 3 will change this a bit.

Last but not least
πŸ‘πŸΌ If completed all the steps.
πŸ™πŸΌ If completed all the steps AND you have better results than the first time.

Logan Maxwel – Martial Arts Academy

Time: Everyday 30min earlier than when I’m supposed to get out of bed.

Baseline: 15 push-ups (+3) / 30 Max (+0)

Measurements: (not mandatory)
Chest: 97cm (+1,5)
Left arm: 30cm (+1,5)
Right arm: 30,5cm (+1,5)

Day 9-14

3 Sets of Push-ups

πŸ‘πŸΌ If finished 😒 if not.

Day 8

Congratulations! You finished the first week of LEGION Lite training.

Through commitment, you gain results.

If you like this training so far. Please Like and follow our Facebook and Instagram page.

On day 15 we start the second phase of this month’s exercise.

Assignment Day 8
3 Sets of Push-ups

πŸ‘πŸΌ If finished 😒 if not.

Day 4-7

3 Sets of Push-ups

πŸ‘πŸΌ If finished 😒 if not.

Day 3

Your ‘regular’ number of push-ups is what we are going to use.

⚫ Do 3 set off the amount of your regular push-ups.

Example in my case:

Baseline: 12 push-ups / 30 Max


β–ͺ️In between you have a 30 to 60 second brake.

β–ͺ️Try to finish your set in one go. If needed take a few seconds brake

β–ͺ️Do your 3 sets daily. If you really feel you can’t, do at least 1 set.


If you have a high number (like 20+) try to change the way you do your push-ups. This way you ⬆️ the intensity and ⬇️ the frequency. If you need support on that, contact me at +31850033777

‼️ Don’t forget it not as much the exercise (Push-ups) itself but the daily routine. For this to become a habit, commit to your time. If you say before bed time, do it before bedtime. If you decide to do it earlier, yes you did your training but you broke your time commitment ‼️

In the coming days, instructions stay the same. Please, “πŸ‘πŸΌ” the daily assignment after completion. If you failed to do so, “😒” the assignment. Please participate and don’t be discouraged if you ‘fail’ from time to time. Just get back on track and move on πŸ’ͺ🏼😁πŸ’ͺ🏼

Monday 15th, we do an evaluation.

πŸ’ͺ🏼 LETS GO‼️

Day 2

I need about 22 likes on my last message… I’ve got 8 πŸ€” Please complete the task from beginning to end.

Day 2 – Share your results
I’m going to open the chat function for 1 day. Please only respond in the requested way. Extra tip: you can also take a picture of your body for later comparison. But don’t share pictures in this group.

Assignment Day 2:
⚫ Share your baseline results.
⚫Do your push-ups. In my case 12.
⚫ Like this message πŸ‘πŸΌ once completed.

Example post:

Logan Maxwel – Martial Arts Academy

Time: Everyday 30min earlier than when I’m supposed to get out of bed.

Baseline: 12 push-ups / 30 Max

Measurements: (not mandatory)
Chest: 95,5cm
Left arm: 28,5cm
Right arm: 29cm

Day 1

I hope you are all ready and fired up to start!

The group is not as big as I hoped it to be, but then again… you are the people who want to become better. πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ With training like this, making the first step is the biggest change you can make. It gives you not just a head start on the rest, but a big leap.

Here is the link to the first assignment. It’s not top quality, as I’m still not used to speak in front of just a camera or a mic. But I don’t strive to become the best speaker, I want to help you to get the best out of your training routine. πŸ˜‰

You can still share and invite people. The more the merrier.

Assignment Day 1:
⚫ Pick a moment each day to do your training.
⚫ Do as many push-ups as possible in a row.
⚫ Remember the amount you can do with a little pushing and the max amount just before your spirit leaves your body. πŸ˜‰


Join our WhatsApp Group as soon as possible to get the instructions on time.
